Things to know
Before you leave
Travel insurance & Documents
Travel insurance is highly recommended, preferably one with a “medi-vac” option. We are truly remote here.
Please bring print outs of all travel documents, including copies of your passport.
An ATM is available in town – 1 hour away from the retreat. There isn’t much to buy out here but you may find textiles, swords, beads, or other souvenirs. We recommend bringing a few million Rupiah in cash – this should cover you. There is a safe on the property for cash, valuables, documents, and devices, though the retreat is a very safe place. Any charges incurred at Ngalung Kalla will be invoiced at the end of your stay and payable via cash, credit card, or bank transfer.
There are very few toiletries available on Sumba. Please bring biodegradable soap as the shower water will be reused to irrigate the fruit trees.
A first aid kit
Please bring a personal first aid kit. All scratches, scrapes, blisters, and wounds need special attention in the tropics. Infection can happen quickly if not looked after. Your kit should include but not limited to betadine, bandaids, gauze pads, antibiotic powder (better than ointments in the heat), a course of antibiotics for Bali belly or related sickness, and a course of antibiotics for flesh wounds. It’s always better to be overly prepared than not having what you need.
Any prescription or regular medicines you may require needs to be brought with you.
Bug Spray
Bug spray of preference.
Reusable water bottles like Hydro Flasks or Nalgene bottles are recommended. These can be filled up at the retreat to take on adventures. You may also want to bring rehydration packets/powders to be mixed with water, like emergen-c, liquimins, or the like.
If required, bring your prescription glasses as well as a backup pair. Sunglasses are an absolute must.

Clothing & Gear
Sun Protection
Sunburn puts a damper on your adventure. Please bring a hat or visor, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a long sleeve rash vest for water activities. If you’d like to be luxuriously safe, a compact umbrella for full-sun activities does the job.
The average temperature is 75-90 degrees Fahrenheit – so light, breathable clothes are advisable. If you are visiting March/April or October/November, you may experience some rain – so pack a light jacket.
It’s not a must-have item, but if you have a multitool like a Gerber or Leatherman, bring it along. It may come in handy.
For the water
Water clothes, boardshorts, bikinis, rash vests, and the like.
Wet wipes, like biodegradable diaper wipes, are great for cleaning hands and faces during outings and travels.
For the beach
We do provide bath towels in your room and towels on the boats for beach days. A beach tote, bag, or basket is helpful in keeping your belongings together – think book, water, sunscreen, camera, snacks.
Solid sandals (thongs if you’re an Aussie) – and not the 2 Dollar kind! These can be used to go almost anywhere but if you’re planning on doing some serious adventuring, you’ll want to bring some running or hiking shoes.

You are truly remote here. Besides friends at the retreat, it’s not likely to run into Westerners. It’s not a good place to come if you’re looking to shop, although there are some amazing artefacts to be found. Ngalung Kalla is all about raw luxury – slow life, off-the-grid discovery, and an authentic experience is what you’ll come to meet.
As of 2023, we are proud to announce that we are now running 100% on solar energy. However, we do continue to practice dark sky tourism and ask that you kindly bring along a good headlamp. We only use lights in the rooms at night and don’t light our trails out of respect for the sea-turtles and nocturnal birds in the area.
Ngalung Kalla is also the perfect retreat for Dark Sky Tourism, which sees adventurers traveling to some of the most remote, unlit places on Earth to gaze at stars and observe celestial bodies.
There are very few mosquitoes at Ngalung Kalla as it is so dry most of the year. However, precaution is advised in the form of light cover ups for nighttime hours. Malaria is still present in Sumba. If you’re thinking about visiting during the months around the edges of the monsoon season, please consider taking a malaria prophylactic – we recommend Malarone or something similar. Although very bitter, there are also great herbal preventatives on site that can be chewed daily.
There can be sandflies on the beach at times. Their presence depends on the moon’s phase. If you react to their nibbles, or aren’t sure if you react, it’s a good idea to bring some Benadryl tabs and/or other antihistamine creams/oral tablets.
"Christian and Ka’ale Sea have created a magical place at the edge of the world…in Sumba, Indonesia, far away from the hustle and bustle of Bali, Lombok, and other, more accessible places in that country"